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A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.


Metra Park

Every August the Association staffs an information booth at Montana Fair to provide information to the public on all aspects of gardening. Comprehensive literature and advice are featured at this week long activity.

Billings area Master Gardeners created the Metra Park Demonstration Garden in 2003 as a means to educate the public about square foot gardening. Individuals or teams are formed each spring and assigned a four-foot-square plot to plant. A contest determines which team can come up with the most creative ideas. The gardens are then judged and showcased at Montana Fair.

YCMGA created the Education and Demonstration Gardens at MetraPark Project in the spring of 2014. The many gardens include: a children’s garden, a xeric garden, a native garden and vegetable garden. There is a possibility of creating many more gardens in the future. If you are interested in volunteering, contact: Heidi Schueler

Metra Park Images

"YC Master Gardeners are making a difference in Yellowstone County through education, environmental stewardship and community service."