A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
Name | Office | Status | Year |
Paul Scarpari | President | Montana Master Gardener Level III | 2008 |
Mike Walz | Vice-President | Montana Master Gardener Level I | 2020 |
Sherry Doty | Secretary | Montana Master Gardener Level III | 2017 |
Steve Restad | Treasurer | Montana Master Gardener Level III | 2018 |
Paul was a Master Gardener, focusing on his long time passion for vegetables, in Minnesota for 10 years before moving to Montana in 2018. He has volunteered as a Yellowstone County Master Gardener at ZooMontana, the Veterans Planter, the Farmers Market, North Park and at the METRA Education & Demonstration Gardens. He can be reached by e-mail at: paul.scarpari@gmail.com
Mike is a retired science teacher and retired US Army and Army Reservist who still coaches high school swimming and volunteers with the Boy Scouts of America. His earliest time of gardening was with his grandmother in NY, NY where the soil was very dark and loamy with few rocks. He moved to Montana in 1976 where he has to deal with a very differnt soil. He can be reached by e-mail at: scienceguy53@icloud.com
Sherry was elected Secretary of the YCMGA in 2019, been a Master Gardener since 2017 and took the Level III Master Gardener class in 2018. She coordinates the Library Program and the Court House Planter. Sherry also volunteers at the Metra Demonstration and Education Garden and at Zoo Montana. She can be reached by e-mail at: sherrylou_bd@yahoo.com
Steve was born and raised here in Billings Montana and has been a Yellowstone County Master Gardener since 2018. He has volunteered as a Master Gardener at ZooMontana, the Moss Mansion and the Memorial Planter at the Yellowstone County Court House. He can be reached by e-mail at: srestad@charter.net
Yellowstone County Master Gardener Association's objectives are:
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